Tools for MLN evaluation

PRACMLNs comes with a set of tools for convenient evaluation of an MLN or learning/inference algorithms.

Confusion Matrices

class pracmln.utils.eval.ConfusionMatrix

Represents a confusion matrix and provides some convenience methods for computing statistics like precision, recall, F1 score or methods for creating LaTex output.

addClassificationResult(prediction, groundTruth, inc=1)

Add a new classification result to the confusion matrix.

  • gndTruth: the correct label of an example

  • prediction: the predicted class label of an example

  • inc: the increment (default: 1)


Combines another confusion matrix with this one.


Returns the true positive, true negative, false positive, false negative classification counts (in this order).


Returns LaTex code for the confusion matrix.

getMatrixEntry(pred, clazz)

Returns the matrix entry for the prediction pred and ground truth clazz.


Returns the classifier evaluation metrices in the following order: Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1-Score.


Returns the fraction of correct predictions and total predictions.


Iterates over triples of the form (prediction, class, count) of this confusion matrix.


Prints to the standard out a table of the class-specific error measures accurracy, precision, recall, F score.


Prints the confusion matrix nicely formatted onto the standard out.


Pickles the confusion matrix to a file with the given name.


Creates a PDF file of this matrix. Requires ‘pdflatex’ and ‘pdfcrop’ installed.


>>> cm = ConfusionMatrix()
>>> for _ in range(10):
...     cm.addClassificationResult("AAA","A")
>>> cm.addClassificationResult("AAA","AAA")
>>> cm.addClassificationResult("AAA","AAA")
>>> cm.addClassificationResult("AAA","AAA")
>>> cm.addClassificationResult("AAA","AAA")
>>> cm.addClassificationResult("AAA","B")
>>> cm.addClassificationResult("AAA","B")
>>> cm.addClassificationResult("AAA","C")
>>> cm.addClassificationResult("B","AAA")
>>> cm.addClassificationResult("B","AAA")
>>> cm.addClassificationResult("B","C")
>>> cm.addClassificationResult("B","B")
>>> cm.printTable()
| P\C |   A | AAA |   B |   C |
|   A |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |
| AAA |  10 |   4 |   2 |   1 |
|   B |   0 |   2 |   1 |   1 |
|   C |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |

>>> cm.printPrecisions()
A: - Acc=0.52, Pre=0.00, Rec=0.00 F1=0.00

AAA: - Acc=0.29, Pre=0.24, Rec=0.67 F1=0.35

B: - Acc=0.76, Pre=0.25, Rec=0.33 F1=0.29

C: - Acc=0.90, Pre=0.00, Rec=0.00 F1=0.00

>>> cm.getLatexTable()
Prediction/Ground Truth & \begin{turn}{90}A\end{turn} & \begin{turn}{90}AAA\end{turn} & \begin{turn}{90}B\end{turn} & \begin{turn}{90}C\end{turn}\\ \hline
A & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!0}\textbf{0} & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!0}0 & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!0}0 & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!0}0\\ \hline
AAA & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!53}10 & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!21}\textbf{4} & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!11}2 & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!5}1\\ \hline
B & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!0}0 & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!33}2 & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!17}\textbf{1} & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!17}1\\ \hline
C & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!0}0 & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!0}0 & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!0}0 & \cellcolor{cfmcolor!0}\textbf{0}\\ \hline

>>> cm.getPDF('example.pdf')

The last command will produce a PDF example.pdf, which will approzimately look like the following:
