MLN Syntax and Semantics ======================== In principle, PRACMLN provides implementations of two syntaxes/grammars and two semantics of Markov Logic Networks: * Grammars: * ``StandardGrammar`` - this is the standard syntax for MLNs, which is mainly compatible with the Alchemy system. All constant symbols that aren't integers must begin with an upper-case letter. Domain symbols must begin with a lower-case letter Identifiers may contain only alphanumeric characters, ``-``, ``_`` and ``'``. All lower-case symbols are interpreted as variables. * ``PRACGrammar`` - a slightly modified grammar, which eases practical knowledge engineering of MLNs in some cases. In the ``PRACGrammar`` definitions, all variables in an MLN must be prefixed by ``?``, any different symbol is considered a constant (upper- or lower-case). * Semantics: * ``FirstOrderLogic`` - semantics of the logical formulas in the MLN have the meaning of classical first-order logic. They evaluate to either ``0`` or ``1``, depending on their truth value being ``True`` or ``False``, respectively. * ``FuzzyLogic`` - applies a fuzzy logic semantics to the logical formulas, i.e. the truth values of the formulas lie in the range ``[0,1]``. Evidence ground atoms may also take a real-valued degree of truth in ``[0,1]``. File Formats ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The file formats for MLN and database files that our Python implementation of MLNs processes are for the most part compatible with the ones used by the Alchemy system. MLN Files ^^^^^^^^^ An MLN file may contain: * C++-style comments i.e. ``//`` and ``/* ... */`` * Domain declarations to assign a set of constants to a particular type/domain e.g. ``domFoo = {A, B, C}`` * Predicate declarations to declare a predicate and the types/domains that apply to each of its arguments e.g. ``myPredicate(domFoo, domBar)``. A predicate declaration may coincide with a rule for mutual exclusiveness and exhaustiveness (see below). Predicate declarations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Every predicate that is used in the MLN needs to be declared once in the MLN file. A predicate declaration consists of the predicate name followed by a comma-separated list of domain names of its arguments in round brackets. For example, :: person(name, gender) declares a predicate ``person``, which has two arguments of the domains ``name`` and ``gender``. Predicate arguments in MLNs are *typed*. This means that all predicates having an argument of the same domain are sharing all values of that domain. A another predicate declaration, such as :: friends(name, name) is defined over the same set of ``name`` s. Normally the values of the domains are automatically filled with the respective values that the MLN engine finds in formulas or databases. But it is also possible to explicitly define a domain range, for instance:: gender = {male, female} specifies that there are two possible values ``male`` and ``female`` for any predicate argument of the type ``gender``. Sometimes it is reasonable to specify that *exactly* one out of several atoms must always be true and all others in turn must be false. Such constraints are called *functional* constraints since the value of one argument is *functionally* determined by the values of the other arguments. In PRACMLNs, this can be specified by appending an exclamation mark ``!`` to the functionally determined argument: :: person(name, gender!) for example specifies that for every person ``p`` in the domain of discourse, *exactly* one out of the ground atoms ``person(p, male)`` and ``person(p, female)`` must always be true. Any possible world that violates this constraint is automatically assigned 0 probability. Apart from that it is reasonable to use functional constraints from a modelling point of view in many cases, it is typically also computationally beneficial since functional constraints result in a partial linearization of the computational problem. In PRACMLNs, there is a second type of functional constraints, so-called *soft functional-constraints*, that require *maximally* one ground atom out of the set of mutually exclusive ground atoms to be true instead of exactly one. This is very convenient for classification problems, for instance, in order to let the probabilistic model decline to make a decision in case of insufficient confidence, but still exploit the computational appeal of functional constraints. Soft-functional constraints are specified by appending a question mark ``?`` to the respective predicate argument: :: class(object, class?) assigns exactly one class label to an object, or none. Fuzzy Predicates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the ``FuzzyLogic`` calculus is chosen for an MLN, predicates may be declared as `fuzzy` predicates, which allows them to also take real-valued degrees of truth in [0,1] instead of strictly boolean predicates. To declare a predicate being fuzzy, its declaration must be preceded by the ``#fuzzy`` statement, e.g. :: #fuzzy is-a(sense, concept) .. note :: Fuzzy predicates may exclusively occur as evidence during inference. This means that all truth values of fuzzy predicates must be known and asserted in a database beforehand, otherwise `pracmln` will raise a :class:`pracmln.mln.errors.MRFValueException`. Rules for mutual exclusiveness and exhaustiveness ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To declare that for a particular binding of some of the parameters of a predicate, the value assignments of the remaining parameters are mutually exclusive and exhaustive, i.e. that the remaining parameters are functionally determined by the others. For example, you can add the rule ``myPredicate(domFoo, domBar!)`` to declare that the second parameter of ``myPredicate`` is functionally determined by the first (i.e. that for each binding of f there is exactly one binding of ``b`` for which the atom is true). Formulas with attached weights as constraints on the set of possible worlds that is implicitly defined by an MLN's set of predicates and a set of (typed) constants with which it is combined. A formula must always be specified either along with a weight preceding it or, in case of a hard constraint, a period (``.``) succeeding it. Usually, a weight will be specified as a numeric constant, but when using the PRACMLN engine, weights can also be specified as arithmetic expressions, which may contain calls to functions of the Python math module (and the special function ``logx`` which returns -100 when passed 0). Note, however, that the expression must not contain any spaces. For example, you could specify an expression such as ``log(4)/2`` instead of ``0.69314718055994529``. The formulas themselves may make use of the following operators/syntactic elements (operators in order of precedence): existential quantification, e.g. ``EXIST x myPred(x,MyConstant)`` or ``EXIST x,y (...)``. Quantification applies only to the formula that follows immediately after the list of quantified variables, so if it is a complex formula, enclose it in parentheses. ================= ============================================ Logical connector Example ================= ============================================ Equality ``x=y`` Inequality ``x=/=y`` Negation ``!myPred(x,y)`` or ``!(x=y)`` Disjunction ``myPred(x,y) v myPred(y,x)`` Conjunction ``myPred(x,y) ^ myPred(y,x)`` Implication ``myPred(x,y) ^ myPred(y,z) => myPred(x,z)`` Biimplication ``myPred(x,y) <=> myPred(y,x)`` ================= ============================================ When a formula that contains free variables is grounded, there will be a separate instance of the formula for each grounding of the free variables in the ground Markov network (each having the same weight). While the internal engine may perform a CNF conversion of the formulas, it does not not decompose the CNF formulas if they are made up of more than one conjunct in order to obtain individual clauses. With the internal engine, all formulas are indivisible. Fixed-Weight Formulas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes one might want to pre-specify the weight of a formula and fix that weight during learning, so the learning algorithm does not overwrite it. In `pracmln`, such a formula weight can be specified by a ``#fixweight`` statement preceding the formula: :: #fixweight logx(.75/.25) foo(?x) ^ bar(?z) Formula templates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MLN formulas are generated from templates which offer a number of convenient syntax notations to abstract repetitive formulas. Prefix: ``*`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An atom in a formula can be prefixed with an asterisk (``*``) to define a template that stands for two variants of the formula, one with the positive literal and one with the negative literal. (e.g. ``*myPred(x,y)``) Prefix: ``+`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moreover, you can prefix a variable that is an argument of an atom with a ``+`` character to define a template that will generate one formula for each possible binding of that variable to one of the domain elements applicable to that argument. (e.g. ``myPred(+x,y)``) If there are formulas that represent co-occurrences of atoms (meaning that it represents a symmetric relation of entities) a template formula might produce unnecessarily many formulas. For instance, suppose we want to model co-occurrences of the attributes of the predicate ``foo(p,x)``, given by the domain ``x={X1,X2,X3}``, e.g. :: 0.0 foo(?p1, +?x1) ^ foo(?p2, +?x2) the ordinary formula template would produce 9 formulas: :: 0.0 foo(?p1, X1) ^ foo(?p2, X1) 0.0 foo(?p1, X1) ^ foo(?p2, X2) 0.0 foo(?p1, X1) ^ foo(?p2, X3) 0.0 foo(?p1, X2) ^ foo(?p2, X1) * 0.0 foo(?p1, X2) ^ foo(?p2, X2) 0.0 foo(?p1, X2) ^ foo(?p2, X3) 0.0 foo(?p1, X3) ^ foo(?p2, X1) * 0.0 foo(?p1, X3) ^ foo(?p2, X2) * 0.0 foo(?p1, X3) ^ foo(?p2, X3) where 3 of them (marked with the asterisk) are superfluous because there is a semantically equivalent formula in the MLN already. Since this may cause unecessary computational effort during learning and inference, pracmln provides a statement ``#unique``, which only produces unique expansions of the given variables wrt a formula template, e.g. :: #unique{+?x1, +?x2} 0.0 foo(?p1, +?x1) ^ foo(?p2, +?x2) produces only unique combinations of the variables ``+?x1`` and ``+?x2``. .. _sec-litgroups: Grouping Literals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Repetitve formulas that only differ in the name of the predicate can be generated using literal groups which are denoted by writing multiple predicates separated with a pipe (``|``). Each formula containing such a literal group will then be expanded to all combinations of each predicate of that group with the rest of the formula, e.g. :: 0.0 foo|bar(?p1, +?x1) ^ foo|baz(?p2, +?x2) will be expanded to :: 0.0 foo(?p1, +?x1) ^ foo(?p2, +?x2) 0.0 foo(?p1, +?x1) ^ baz(?p2, +?x2) 0.0 bar(?p1, +?x1) ^ foo(?p2, +?x2) 0.0 bar(?p1, +?x1) ^ baz(?p2, +?x2) .. note :: The number of arguments has to be the same for each predicate of the respective group. Also, keep in mind that if you use the same variable names in different literal groups, you have to make sure that all predicates share the same domains for the respective arguments. Otherwise you will get an error, that your variable is bound to more than one domain. **Example** The first argument of ``bar`` has to be in the same domain as the first argument of each ``foo`` and ``baz`` in the following formula, so that the domain of the variable ``?p1`` is well-defined here: :: 0.0 bar(?p1, +?x1) ^ foo|baz(?p1, +?x2) Probability constraints on formulas ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. warning:: This feature is currently unsupported. You may want to require that certain formulas have a fixed prior marginal probability regardless of the size of the domain with which a model is instantiated. This is accomplished by dynamically adjusting the weight of the formula when instantiating a ground Markov network. e.g.:: P(myPred(x,y)) = 0.75 or:: P(myPred(x,y) ^ myPred(y,x)) = 0.9 Similarly, you may want to require that the posterior marginal probability of a ground formula be fixed. This essentially corresponds to a specification of soft evidence. e.g.:: R(myPred(X,Y) v myPred(Y,X)) = 0.8 Any formulas for which a constraint is specified must also be part of the MLN (i.e. you must add them to the MLN, with some weight). .. warning:: Probability constraints are extensions of the original MLN formalism. .. warning:: Limitations: no support for functions, numbers/numeric operators or anything that is related to it formulas must always be preceded by a weight or be terminated by a period, even if they are only to be used in an input MLN for parameter learning no definition can span multiple lines Inlcuding External Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In an MLN file, other files can be imported by means of the ``#nclude`` directive followed by an :class:`pracmln.mln.mlnpath` specification. There are two different types of ``#include`` statements: * *including a file within the same project*: If the current `.mln` file is located in a `.pracmln` project and the ``#include`` statement is to refer to a file within the same project, the name of the file can be put in angular brackets, e.g. :: #include imports the file ``predicate-decl.mln`` from within the same project into thecurrent mln. * *including a file from the file system*: files outside the current project (of if the MLN is not part of a project) can be referenced by putting the path to file in double quotes, e.g. :: #include "${HOME}/mlns/my-project:predicates.mln" imports the specified MLN relative to the user's home directory. Note that relative paths are always relative to the referring project/file. Database/Evidence files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A database file may contain: * C++-style comments i.e. ``//`` and ``/* ... */`` * Positive and negative ground literals e.g. ``myPred(A,B)`` or ``!myPred(A,B)``, one per line. * Soft/fuzzy evidence on ground atoms e.g. ``0.6 myPred(A,B)``. .. warning:: Note that soft evidence is supported only the internal engine and only when using the inference algorithms MC-SAT (which corresponds to MC-SAT-PC when using soft evidence) and IPFP-M. Note that soft evidence on non-atomic formulas can be handled using posterior probability constraints (see above). * Domain extensions like domain declarations (see above); useful if you want to define constants without making any statements about them. Databases stored in different ``.db`` files are considered *independent* of each others by default (independent in its probabilistic meaning). Different databases that should be treated independent can also be stored in one single file by separating their contents by three dashes ``---`` in a single line: :: foo(x,y) bar(y,z) --- foo(a,b) bar(b,c) represents two independent databases.